XII All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "Metrology in Radio Electronics"
(Mendeleevo, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region, September 21-23, 2021)
September 21, 2021 (Tuesday) Plenary session (Assembly hall of the main building of FSUE "VNIIFTRI", 2nd floor) 08:30 08:45 08:45 Transfer from the metro station "Khovrino» Transfer from the railway station "Kryukovo" Transfer from the main building of the Park-hotel "Morozovka" 09:00-10:00 Registration of participants, morning coffee in the foyer of the assembly hall of FSUE "VNIIFTRI" Opening of the conference The message of the organizing committee on the procedure of the conference Malay I.M. (FSUE "VNIIFTRI") - Actual problems of the development of the metrological support system in the field of radio engineering measurements Mamleev T.F. (FSBI "GNMC" of the Ministry of Defense of Russia) - The reference base of the GSPH. Current state and development prospects Fedotov V.N. (FSUE "VNIIFTRI") - Scientific and technical problems of metrological support for the development, production and operation of radio equipment, systems and complexes A. V. Pivak ("OOO" Rode and Schwartz RUS ") - Interaction of R&S and FGUP "VNIIFTRI" on integrated metrological support of millimeter-wave measurements Break (coffee break) in the foyer of the assembly hall of FSUE "VNIIFTRI" A. V. Krivov (LLC "Radioline") - Modern methods for measuring antenna parameters Malay I.M., Titarenko A.V., Shkurkin M.S. (FSUE "VNIIFTRI") - Multifunctional complex for high-precision measurements of characteristics of radiated and scattered electromagnetic fields of the microwave range Shkurkin M.S. (FSUE "VNIIFTRI") - Topical issues of measuring the characteristics of EMC test sites Chirkov I.P. (FSUE "VNIIFTRI") - Promising developments in the field of measuring the power of electromagnetic waves Photo session, in front of the entrance to the main building of FSUE "VNIIFTRI" Lunch break in the banquet hall of the Park-hotel "Morozovka", 2nd floor, main building (At 13:05 transfer of participants from the main building of FSUE "VNIIFTRI" to the main building of the Park-hotel "Morozovka", at 14:15 - back) Baklanov I.G. (LLC "Metrotek") - Metrological support of the digital economy Kleopin A.V. (FSUE "VNIIFTRI") - Modern approaches to ensuring the uniformity of measurements of fast pulsed electrical processes Dzhigan V.I. (FSUE "VNIIFTRI") - Adaptive signal processing and measurements in adaptive filters Dudinov K.V., Emelyanov A.M., Kotekin R.A. (JSC "NPP" Istok "named after Shokin) - Design Center Microwave MIS and Microwave GMIS Dunaev A.Yu. (FSUE "VNIIOFI") - Metrological support for measuring the spectral sensitivity of terahertz radiation receivers Break (coffee break) in the foyer of the assembly hall of FSUE "VNIIFTRI" Malevanov A.P. (JSC "Morion") - State-of-the-art solutions for precision low noise reference oscillators for instrumentation Anyutin N.V. (FSUE "VNIIFTRI") - Method for correcting polarization distortions when measuring radiated and scattered fields using a radiocollimator Sherstobitov S.V., Karpova M.V. (FSUE "VNIIFTRI") - Standards based on quantum effects - the basis of electrical and radio engineering measurements Visit the exhibition Official dinner in the banquet hall of the Park-hotel "Morozovka", 2nd floor, main building (At 17:45 transfer of participants from the main building of FSUE "VNIIFTRI" to the main building of the Park-hotel "Morozovka")
Dear conference participants! We ask you to follow the rules for visiting guests established at FSUE "VNIIFTRI". It is not allowed to bring personal laptops or tablets into the territory of FSUE "VNIIFTRI". Moving around the territory of the institute is only accompanied by employees of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "VNIIFTRI". |